Thursday, 10 November 2022
Corgi Model Club: The Etrönic DS19 Monte Carlo
Thursday, 3 November 2022
Things Corgis could tow
A Rambler Marlin arrived this morning and made me think about this topic. Whilst Gift Set 10 featured the same model in blue and white plus a roof-rack and a kayak, pulling a revised version of the Pennyburn Workmen's Trailer, what is the red and black one designed to pull, I wondered.
Perhaps Corgi thought people might like to swap the two Ramblers - but then I realised that the Rambler appeared in June 1966 and it would be two years before it gets the kayak treatment. Maybe the Rambler could tow the Dolphin boat and give the Buick a rest.
So just which Corgi cars did get a tow hook and what was available for them to be attached to?
Renault 16TS (202 and 260)
Buick Riviera (245 and in Gift Set 31)
Rambler Marlin (263 and in Gift Set 10)

Oldsmobile Toronado (264 in Gift Set 36 only and 276)
GP Beach Buggy (381 in Gift Set 26 only)
The list is a lot shorter than I had expected. All but the Renault had Gift Sets issued later with something for the models to pull, although the first Oldsmobile Toronado (264) was not issued in the box with a tow hook and the second (276) always did have a tow hook but was not used in the Gift Set. The Renault did appear in Gift Set 13 but without the hook.
In the commercial sector, almost all the Land Rovers had a variety of hooks, as did most of the Jeep F-150 models in various issues, as well as the VW Breakdown Truck and, of course, tractors, many trucks and lorries too. I don't think there were any other cars, though.
For the cars to tow there is little that Corgi had to offer.
Pony trailer (102)
Double horsebox (112)
Dolphin Boat on a trailer (104)
Pennyburn Workmen's Trailer (109)
That's it. I suppose you could add the Glastron Speedboat on a trailer which was included in Gift Set 36 but it was not sold individually. I hardly think Corgi were expecting us to hitch up a plough or farm trailer to any of these cars and the two early trailers - the platform and drop-side trailers 100 and 101 - are not likely partners either.
Late editions of the 102 Pony Trailer and all the Double Horsebox trailers would not have fitted over the button-type hook towing device that they had either. Early Buicks had a clutch type mechanism which may have worked but I doubt it was supposed to. So we're left with precious little left.
I am sure we may one day learn of plans for Caravans or small trailers one day which never got past the planning team meetings.
Maybe someone out there knows. Write to me if you have any information as none of the hooks really make much sense.
Wednesday, 2 November 2022
Corgi Toys @ 60: Car Transporter gets suspension