
Saturday, 23 December 2023

Merry Corgi Christmas


I wish all my Corgi friends

and customers, wherever you are,

a very merry Christmas and

a happy New Year.

I am glad to hear that so many of you enjoy my articles on things Corgi. I have had one or two enquiries as to why I had been quiet for a while recently. Firstly there were no new issues in December 1963 so I got a break from the Corgi toys @ 60 series. Having a much greater impact, though, has been the need to move house. My house in Astcote here in England is falling apart and it has been necessary to find a new home, not the simplest of tasks when you're as ancient as me and have boxes and more boxes and yet more boxes (as well as the usual bits and pieces one accumulates over 70 odd years!)

I am delighted to say that, after a great deal of searching and form-filling, we shall be moving to the village of Bozeat, a few miles further east, over the Christmas period and hopefully up and running again as from the beginning of 2024. I have not had a chance to make the 2024 Calendar pages yet but will get these done sometime in January if you can hold on for a while.

You shouldn't notice much of a change in any of the web sites, email or stores where you'll find the new mailing address if needed. The landline number will stop working so use +44 07712 817958 should you need to call.

Hoping for some peace in 2024 and, with particular thought for Ukraine, whose people are about to enter a third year of war's uncertainty and anguish, all profits from Corgi.Toys in January will go towards helping our friends and families there.

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