
Friday, 22 December 2023

Could this be the rare Gift Set 2 model?

I've been looking everywhere for a fawn Land Rover with yellow interior. It's usually red but there are a few around with yellow. I did have one but I sold it and almost immediately afterwards wished I hadn't and there is a space where it needs to go in my collection.

The fawn edition first appeared in late 1962 and is only found in Gift Set 2, towing a fawn and cream Pony Trailer. 

You will probably have already noticed that this is a repainted model. I know, you're asking me why on Earth I should buy a repainted fawn Land Rover. It's really not something I would normally do but this one was intriguing. From what I could tell from the pictures provided with the listing, this Land Rover had not been taken apart. The base had not been taken off as the rivets were looking sound and original and the best evidence for me was where the owner had not been as careful as he should have been with the brush, one stroke covering both a small piece of the base and the lower edge of one side.

With no other way that the interior could have been changed, I reckoned that this could well be what I was looking for and, whilst the repainting is a bit annoying, it will do for now until another comes along.

The model itself arrived yesterday and, whilst the painting isn't great, with brush strokes evident here and there and dust has been allowed to spoil the finish in places, the colour is a good match. There is what looks like an original fawn colour under the wheel arches and in places which would be very difficult to reach with the brush so I was quite pleased with this purchase. 

Underneath, everything looks pretty fawn in colour and the rivet intact - even with a hook that hasn't been bent or broken.

Then I looked at the other end . . . Oh dear. Now you'll see what I'd missed earlier and which was not visible in the seller's photos - that little bit of red in the gap between the base and the front bumper. 

And I looked again at teh rives and they have that little dot of red too. This was, once upon a time, a red Land Rover from a Chipperfields or Ferrari Gift Set and is not what I had hoped for after all.

I have to say that the painter did a very good job as that is the sole evidence of the model's original colour and even now I look twice to check that the red is really red and not just fawn looking dark in the shadows!

So there is another warning to us all - not everything may be as it seems at first, or even second - take a good third look too to avoid disappointment.

Yes, I am disappointed but, as I said to a friend at the time I bought it, I really would prefer that I hadn't seen it because I didn't really want a repainted model but  . . . it had that yellow interior and I couldn't resist the temptation to have a closer look. However, I am not particularly sad. it only cost £20 and I do have a decent Pony Trailer with the scarcer fixed wheels (and a pin that hasn't been broken!), a good pony and a reproduction box which might help sell one of my other many Gift Set 2s.

The Land Rover will be £5 if anyone's interested!


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