
Friday, 30 June 2023

The Corgi Model Club: The Saint Returns


The second edition of 'The Saint's" Car has been issued. On the bonnet is a very neat emblem in just black outline, with no discernible background which makes me wonder whether it is a transfer after all. It does look good but, of course, the original did have that shading to the background which they have now removed as part of the deal with The Saint franchise.

No other differences are apparent on the new model which really does seem to be identical apart from that emblem. The box, however, is different, now featuring the Paramount logo and acknowledgement, as well as a different layout of that side. In the illustration below the new one is the bottom image.

As well as the details side being different, the packing is also different., with the first edition having a card insert to protect the model. This is missing for the second edition, which has just a piece of thin foam sheet.

There is also one more difference - the second issue has P1800 instead of P.1800 on the first edition.

As I have said, the model itself has not changed and is a very nice re-issue. The lights lack a little sparkle and the axles seems a little loose. Indeed, when I ordered three more of the first edition two had very poor suspension, leaning to one side and with no resistance from suspension wires on at least one wheel. Interestingly, this second issue model suffers from the same problem and I am wondering whether this is a more widespread fault. It would be unlikely that only I have met this problem - twice!

I should add that the Corgi Model Club have been exemplary in their customer service, replacing the first faulty ones without question and allowing me to retain the faulty models. I have written to them regarding this latest example and hope to receive the same response. Clearly, one cannot expect the Club staff to examine every model but clearly something has gone wrong in China.

1 comment:

  1. I too have the suspension issue - though mine is on the front left. My "Public Address Vehicle" (472) also has the issue - I took mine apart and like yours, the piano wire wasn't being gripped correctly by the clamp on the base. Several of my other models have had minor issues with this too, but the weight distribution means it doesn't show.
