
Sunday, 18 June 2023

A complaint from the Volkswagen board

From Germany this morning comes a complaint for the Corgi Model Club people to take up with the production line managers somewhere in China. "What happened to our VW emblem!?"

British casting people and painters managed to ensure that it looked suitably correct back in 1965 when the Beetle 1200 appeared in East Africa Rally form and again a few years later on the European Police Car in deep green.

The real thing.

The 1960s Corgi model looked pretty good.

The Chinese re-issues seem to have something completely different! Do they know something we don't about the future of the VW business?

I had previously given the Model Club full marks (well, nearly full marks) for their latest issue. Now, I have to withdraw some of that praise as it is never right to destroy something as important as a logo or emblem. Better just not to attempt it at all. Or, at least, spot the error at an early stage and fix it.

I missed this on the East Africa Rally edition too. I can, if I look at this from certain angles and relax my focus, just make out what should have been the correct lines for the V and W but it appears paint has got too thickly applied in the wrong places.

1 comment:

  1. Just looked at mine - the police car is ok (like your original), but the safari one has too much paint in the badge, filling most of the gaps. It's odd as the paint doesn't seem to be too thickly applied across the whole model, just "clumped" on the badge. It's not severe enough to have it replaced.
