
Thursday, 31 March 2022

The Corgi Model Club: Jaguar E Type 2+2


This review is late because, of all people, I had my subscription cancelled by the Corgi Model Club!! The lady dealing with my query had no idea why it had happened and I was glad that I had called to query it. Until a week or so ago I had assumed that the delay was just one of those things and I had read stories of problems that they had been having in boxes not being big enough and orders not getting out quickly. So I hadn't panicked but that was a close thing. The lady promised to get me back on the system straightaway but said I may have to wait a week to ten days for it to arrive. That was 10 days ago so I may be calling again tomorrow!

In the meantime my colleague has sent me his which he doesn't want to keep (and which may be available to buy when mine does arrive). I am pretty sure that most collectors will be well pleased with this model. It looks, to me, an extremely accurate reproduction of the original 335 model. I usually spot something a little odd at first glance with these models but this one is excellent.

I have photographed it side by side with my original and I will have to be very petty to note the differences! The shade is a bit more orange than mine. the bulge on the bonnet is slightly wider and the rear lights are far better defined than in the Corgi casting.
My original has a gold steering wheel. Theirs is black.
And that's all. It is a tremendous piece of work by all involved. Well done.

The base gives the game away, of course, with 'Made in China' and some different rivet styles.

It can be a little tricky to get it back in the 'box'. The model is also protected by a piece of perspex wrapped around lengthways. I managed to replaced that without it breaking.

The box is something very well produced. I am sure I broke the bubble on mine in order to extract the model. Sure, I should have read the instructions but it didn't seem to me the sort of box I would keep. It didn't sit evenly with the rectangles I had for all the others and so I guess it just got put to one side and lost. I really do not remember removing it via the 'correct' route at the time.

This will be a popular item and great value for those of us (hopefully) on a subscription.

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