
Tuesday, 24 March 2020


Steed's reading a newspaper outside a new showroom I have just put together. The parts come from GP-Miniatures and Mr Poulton does a first class job at a reasonable price. It was time for the Bayko to be returned to its box before daylight faded the colours of the marvellous 1960s bricks, windows and roofs that I have had since a child.

The interior lighting is my own addition. In the pack you'll get simply a bundle of printed thick paper sheets stuck on squishy polystyrene-like board, a few pieces of thin clear plastic for the windows and the signs. Construction is pretty straightforward. I finished up with glue all over the place and did make a couple of mistakes, one of which Mrs Peel is conveniently placed to disguise.

If you are careful, though, and try making a pinned together model first you will get there in a fairly short space of time. It will also be rather less expensive than any of the original Corgi buildings!

I do wish I had adjusted the track of the Austin Seven before taking the photos, though!

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