
Saturday, 26 May 2018

An Elevating Service Ramp

I am delighted to report that I am now the proud own of an Elevating Service Ramp. Just two months after writing about the April 1958 issue, I came across this beautiful example, in a box and with its original packing.

I suspect that it may seldom have been out of its box, but enough times to rub off a small inner flap or two.

The lever at the side operates a ratchet which certainly elevates the ramp effectively. Coming down was less simple. I think I may have missed something but fiddled around and eventually it returned to a flat state.

All I shall do is share these splendid photos and let you bask in the blue and greyness. I should, perhaps, have added a 211 Studebaker on top, outlined in ghostly fashion in the box illustration. That had been the last car issued, a couple of months earlier in February, and so, presumably, fresh in the artist's mind.

I don't want to sell this. It feels pleasantly heavy, is beautifully made and, even if I can't operate it as well as I might, It is a very satisfying item to have on one's desk.

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