
Saturday, 3 June 2017

Police in shades

No, not Beverley Hills cops in Raybans but an interesting different shade for a 506 Sunbeam Imp Panda car.

In my last post I had included a photo of the little Imp that had arrived more or less free with an NSU I'd wanted. Now I have put it next to the one I had in stock and it really is a completely different colour.

I have also pushed some rubber above the axles which seems to have fixed the lack of suspension. These models are so frustrating in that respect.

Looking various models advertised and on places like QDT, every other example I see is the bright, pure white like the one on the right in the photos above. The latest addition has a much creamier shade and the paint is a little thicker than what seems a very thin coat on the white. There is no doubt that the cream paint is original and I will be interested to see whether there are many more like this.

I have added this as another variation in my main lists.

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