
Thursday, 3 November 2016

Corgi Flying Club. A Land Rover, Nipper Aircraft and a very wide trailer.

I only bought this because I needed an example of the darker blue Land Rover with a lemon interior and grey steering wheel. This was in the States and the postage was more than the price of the set. It is complete and in a box although the later Corgi boxes were pretty poor affairs. This one has the card insert with nothing that I can see to stop the contents moving around other than an elastic band or two around the aircraft pieces.

It did arrive with only minimal crushing and a hole in the cellophane and still looks a pretty good item to display. With the dreaded Whizzwheels, though, this 1972 edition is an uninspiring version of the Land Rover and why on Earth a trailer needs Whizzwheels is beyond me. Fine for those cars kids might be expected to fly down some track or along the parquet flooring but no-one could seriously expect them to want to race Land Rovers with trailers!

Orange was clearly in fashion still with the bright canopy and matching aircraft body. The wings could be either white like these or a creamy yellow colour. The cab can be blue or clear. I shall not be running around madly looking for those variations as this is just not something that really makes me leap up and down with enthusiasm. There is some play craft, at least, here with the aircraft which can be stacked in the section of the trailer and then taken off and made up again.

The trailer itself is a ridiculously wide affair which would cause trouble along most of the lanes I know near airfields. I can imagine most of these will get pretty chipped over time so this is a delight to find as new. The same trailer, incidentally, gets used again in Gift Set 5 in 1973, in red and still with Whizzwheels.

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