
Friday, 25 November 2016

A Citroën SM and a scary tree with no leaves in Albertson NY

A short while ago, I sent a Chevrolet Corvette to someone who lived at an address that translated as something like Devil's Kitchen Road. Now this lovely mauve Citroën SM is on its way to somewhere just west of New York, to an owner who refers to himself as Hell's Kitchen Deuce!

Heavens alive, with Amityville just down the road I am wondering just what is happening to my customer base!

That tree looks pretty scary too! Shouldn't it have at least one or two leaves on it?

With what looks like a nice BMW 635i sitting outside, this should be a good home for the Citroën and it is certainly easier to park there than in Unpronounceable in Wales where the Lincoln went and a Mini Cooper is also heading soon. 

On the subject of the devil and travels, I'll have to do a suitable picture for the Vauxhall Velox and Rover 90 that will be making their way to Italy at the end of the month. I would normally say I'd be happy taking them there myself but the signs haven't been so good there either with earthquakes not far away from their destination.

Just to settle things down somewhat, someone in St. Albans wants the orange-red Volvo 1800. 

The colour has a devilish tinge but, come on, it's St. Albans. I mean, what could go wrong in St. Albans? I was born and went to school there. Ah, right. OK. Let's move on!

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