
Monday, 11 July 2016

The Problem With Ghias

One of my Ghia L6.4 models was in pretty poor shape so I took it to bits. Now it becomes clear how the bonnet push-up and boot spring work - a cleverly shaped and fitted piece of plastic does the job and also provides suspension. Or, at least, it ought to provide suspension but the plastic cracks at the sharp bend - seen in the illustration facing towards us - and then provides precious little, if any, resistance to the axle moving upwards.

So now it is clear why so many Ghia L6.4s sit hunched on display with their wheels almost buried in the wings. It is a very clever design - also providing door closure - but I do wish that Corgi had used metal. I guess no-one expected either the plastic to suffer like that or, perhaps, that anyone would care after over 50 years!

Those plastic suspemsion elements are not easy to replace on this model. On some, like the Ford Mustang or Austin Cambridge, there is unit that sits on the chassis and can simply be lifted out but these have metal fixings which would have to be drilled out. It's not impossible but I have no idea where you'd get replacements! 

I have a simple solution which seems to work and ought to last for a good length of time; pieces of rubber inserted to keep the top and bottom parts separated and also to provide some suspension. If the plastic has actually broken at the bend then this would still work but I think one side of the insert would have to be glued in place.

You can also see how the variations of bonnet / boot inserts and interior colours can easily arise. It doesn't excuse the use of red door inserts with a cream interior though!

Not being able to remove the jewelled headlamps is a bit of a nuisance and makes preparation and respraying more awkward but at least the new model will look good. Now, what colour should it be?

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