
Monday, 16 May 2016

Four Ford Capri 3.0 V6 cars

Another nice arrival last week was this Ford Capri 3.0 in red with a matt black bonnet. This is one of four versions of the Whizzwheel model - the other shade of 311 being a strange flourescent red-orange! My model has the original 'red dot'wheels that would have been applied to the first ones of these early Whizzwheel models. The red and black one is in truly marvellous condition. These did tend to be run around rooms and on tracks and, like the real thing, were pretty vulnerable to being damaged.

The other two models were the 303 'Roger Clark' Rally edition and a very similar 331 Texaco Rally edition. Both these are in white with a range of decals applied.

I have a feeling there may be one or two other variations of this model. For instance I expect a white 311 to appear one day where the decals have been omitted and a 303 or 331 put in the 311 box.

There were several subsequent editions of the Capri in the 1980s and afterwards, including Corgi Classics model that often gets confused with the red and black one above.

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