
Friday, 29 April 2016

Working Title: How To Train Your Dragon To Drive.

I am often impressed with where my Corgi Toys are headed when they move on from my village in Northamptonshire. This VW Beetle seems to have found one of the best places yet.

This is North Hobart Boulevard in Los Angeles and everywhere looks stunning. The lady who lives here tells me that she had one of these many years ago and just wanted to revive some memories. I am pretty sure she could have afforded a real one but this will be a bit easier to park indoors.

It is one of several Whizzwheel VW1200s from Corgi. They had started in 1965 with a lovely East African Safari model that had opening things, jewelled lights, mud flaps and steering too. By the 1970s nothing opened, the lights were silver paint and, apart from one odd Driving School edition that appeared when everything else Corgi then made was 1:36 scale, you could forget corners. There are orange ones with yellow seats, orange ones with red seats, several police cars, a rally edition, an ultra rare Swiss ADAC edition and this, the 'Flower Power' one.

It's in great condition so I am sure the lady will be very pleased. I am also hoping she might feature it in the next film she produces. Or, even better, make a film that needs bundles of my advice and input on these model cars! A cameo role would always be welcome, too.

Working Title: How To Train Your Dragon To Drive.

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