
Saturday, 24 May 2014

Ghia in gold

I have a particular fascination with the different colours that were used on Corgi models. Some seem quite rare and I have previously featured the Ghia L6.4 in a yellow-green shade of gold but now I find this which is quite different. This is an older version of the car too, with the normal wheels, and the shade is similar to that you'd find on the James Bond Aston Martin or a Buick Riviera.

The car is exceptionally clean and in excellent condition but the suspension has gone front and back. Such a pity. In a way that tends to make me sure that this is an original and not a repainted blue or green. My suspicions were raised as there is a plastic unit which runs from the boot to under the engine which provides the suspension and a small part pops up in the air filter to push open the bonnet - that's red plastic whereas the interior is the cream colour.

I haven't encountered a Ghia with a different colour unit to that used for the interior. It is not impossible and the only obvious sign is the air filter bit or a small bit showing in the boot, so I can imagine it has happened but it does seem a bit odd. I am sure that, if it had been repainted and such a good job made of putting it back together again, the person would have at least repaired the suspension!  The rivets do look OK. Here is a photo, and below another of one of my own models that appears to have the same type. (In fact, my own model's base looks repainted but I absolutely can be sure that it hasn't been!)

I have seen one or two other gold Ghias in this shade so I am content that it is a genuine colour and delighted to have this in stock. I need  couple of door inserts in cream as they're missing. Red ones are easy to get but I shall have to buy a tatty old model that has them - probably a green one although I have seen blue with cream interior too. This is intriguing me so I hope to get some answers before long.

I doubt if I will take this one apart as, despite the suspension being useless, it is a rare model as it stands and, provided it is original, I reckon it's worth a lot more as it stands, or sits, than it would be with any restoration.

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