
Friday, 16 May 2014

Fiat 1800 and 2100

An early model with seats and suspension was #217, a Fiat 1800. Not the most interesting of cars and although it was only around from 1960 to 1963, Corgi managed to create several colour schemes for this one: all blue, like the illustration, blue with a dark blue roof, a strange mustard colour and, apparently a lilac with mauve roof version. This last is the scheme for the later Fiat 2100 (also illustrated) which also had a Venetian blind and jewelled headlamps fitted. Otherwise it looks like the same cast.

The Fiat 2100 has an even shorter life span, from 1961 to 1963. So it seems that both cars were being made for two years which is a bit odd, bearing in mind how similar they were. Whilst there were variants in competition form (or as used by the army, police, TV etc.) the only other car that was produced side by side like this was the mini.

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